Search Results for: "article"

Mar Menor, España. Ph. Ramón del Buey Cañas

Rights of Nature: the case of Mar Menor (Spain)

Ramón del Buey Cañas – UAM 24/06/2024 Mar Menor is the largest saline Mediterranean lagoon in Europe, with a surface area of…

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Stop experimenting on us! Judicial stories of pesticide resistance in Argentina

María Valeria Berros 24/06/2024 This paper focuses on two paradigmatic court decisions on pesticide spraying in Argentina’s agricultural zone and offers a…

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Derechos de la Naturaleza en perspectiva socio-jurídica: innovaciones jurídicas

María Valeria Berros 24/06/2024 Este artículo parte del creciente reconocimiento de los derechos de la naturaleza, como muestran la proliferación en regulaciones…

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Ambiente, pueblos indígenas y recursos naturales en las constituciones provinciales de Argentina

Berros, María Valeria; Franco, Dabel Leandro; Balaudo, Cintia; Barrilis, Natalia; Battagliotti, Nicolás; Colombo, Rafael; Corti, Gonzalo; Drewanz, Gisela; Gazzo, Virginia; Lassaga, Agustina;…

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Una Corte Suprema con agenda verde

Carolina Piazzi, Cristian Fernández 30/04/2024 La Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación (Argentina) es uno de los altos tribunales a nivel…

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Three (de)constructive readings of the commons

Rodrigo Míguez Núnez 01/04/2024 This article analyzes three de-constructive agitations of the traditional premises of property law in light of the commons’…

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Derechos de la naturaleza y bienes comunes naturales: análisis de algunas tensiones conceptuales a la luz del caso chileno

Luis Lloredo Alix Abril/Junio 2024 The notion of commons has been reintroduced into the contemporary legal-political vocabulary, but there is much confusion…

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Transición energética y litio: nuevos “comunes” y otros extractivismos

Digno Jose Montalván Zambrano, Isabel Wences 01/04/2024 This paper presents the new forms of extractivism associated with the energy transition discourse formulated…

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You Cannot Have the Cake and Eat It – How to Reconcile Liberal Fundamental Rights with Answers to the Climate Crisis

Eva Julia Lohse, María Valeria Berros 17/03/2024 Our Western-style constitutional systems are not only built on 16th to 18th century social contract…

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Rights of Nature: the nuances of the Latin American experience

María Valeria Berros, UNL-CONICET In recent years, the debate on the recognition of the rights of nature has grown substantially in Latin…

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