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Who We Are

Institutions and organizations involved in Speak4Nature

The complexity of current ecological challenges requires elaborate new methods to understand the way we interact with the environment and to eradicate the anachronistic human-centred conception of nature. Scientists, governments and regulators are asked to create a “justice” capable of reframing the concept of nature as an active player, in line with the notion of Ecological Justice (EJ). Counting on a consortium of 9 international interdisciplinary forefront academic (universities and research centres) and non-academic institutions (including a for-profit company as well as NGOs) in EU and Latin America, Speak4Nature aims to develop new socio-legal instruments and methodologies to provide a common theoretical and operational basis in social and environmental sciences to give voice to non-human beings in legal instances, and to contribute to the creation of a shared vision towards the treatment of “nature” itself useful for the adaptation of the political process to the current ecological challenges.

In response to complex ecological challenges, Speak4Nature, a consortium of 9 international academic and non-academic institutions, strives to advance Ecological Justice. Through innovative socio-legal tools, it redefines nature as an active participant, fostering a unified vision to address contemporary environmental issues and adapt political processes.


Principal Investigator and S4N coordinator

Rodrigo Míguez Núñez


Principal Investigator

Ezio Costa


Principal Investigator

Christof Mauch


Principal Investigator

Santiago Álvarez Cantalapiedra

Eco castulum

Principal Investigator

Raul Carrillo Beltrán

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