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march 2023

23mar(mar 23)2:30 pm24(mar 24)2:30 pmIV JORNADAS DE FILOSOFÍA POLÍTICACONTEMPORÁNEA “MUCHO QUE AÑADIR”2:30 pm - 2:30 pm (24)(GMT+00:00) Universidad Autonoma de Madrid - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Event Organized By: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Event Type:Event,Local

april 2023

29apr(apr 29)9:00 am30(apr 30)6:00 amCamp for ecological justiceuniversity extension project in the territory9:00 am - 6:00 am (30)(GMT+00:00) Event Organized By: Universidad Nacional del Litoral Event Type:Event,Local

may 2023

02may(may 2)1:30 pm03(may 3)5:00 pmWorkshop - Environmental Justice and Time1:30 pm - 5:00 pm (3)(GMT+00:00) University of Stirling Event Organized By: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Event Type:Event,Local


05may2:00 pm4:00 pmTHINKING ABOUTECOLOGICAL JUSTICE:A DIDACTIC SUBTITLING TASK FOR BUSINESS AND LAW STUDENTS2:00 pm - 4:00 pm(GMT+00:00) UPO sede di Novara Event Organized By: Università del Piemonte Orientale Event Type:Event,Local

08may(may 8)3:00 pm09(may 9)7:00 pmDERECHOS Y NATURALEZA3:00 pm - 7:00 pm (9)(GMT+00:00) Universidad Nacional del Litoral Event Organized By: Universidad Nacional del Litoral Event Type:Event,Local

10may2:00 pm4:00 pmTHINKING ABOUTECOLOGICAL JUSTICE:A DIDACTIC SUBTITLING TASK FOR BUSINESS AND LAW STUDENTS2:00 pm - 4:00 pm(GMT+00:00) UPO sede di Novara Event Organized By: Università del Piemonte Orientale Event Type:Event,Local

16may7:00 pm9:00 pmLa memoria del futuroby Pierre Dardot7:00 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT+00:00) Ateneo La Maliciosa, c/ Penuelas 12 Event Organized By: Speak 4 Nature Event Type:Event,Local

17may3:30 pm6:30 pmATTIVISMO E AZIONE CLIMATICA: UN DIALOGO INTERDISCIPLINARE3:30 pm - 6:30 pm(GMT+00:00) UPO sede di Vercelli Event Organized By: Speak 4 Nature Event Type:Event,Local

22may(may 22)9:00 am24(may 24)7:00 pmI Congreso Internacionalde Humanidades Ecológicas9:00 am - 7:00 pm (24)(GMT+00:00) Universidad Autonoma de Madrid - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Event Organized By: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Event Type:Event,Local

31may10:30 am3:00 pmWorkshop - Immaginazione, politica e crisi sociale10:30 am - 3:00 pm(GMT+00:00) UPO sede di Vercelli Event Organized By: FUHEM and Economistas sin Fronteras Event Type:Event,Local

june 2023

19jun2:00 am6:00 pmWORKSHOP ON RIGHTS OF NATURE2:00 am - 6:00 pm(GMT+00:00) RCC Landhaus, Herrmannsdorf 3, 86256, Glonn Event Organized By: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Event Type:Event,Local

26jun4:00 am6:00 pmWorkshop - Policy Labs to Improve the Integration of Biodiversity and EcosystemServices in Agricultural Management4:00 am - 6:00 pm(GMT+00:00) RCC Landhaus, Herrmannsdorf 3, 86256, Glonn Event Organized By: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Event Type:Event,Local

26jun9:00 am6:00 pmPolicy Labs to Improve the Integration of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Agricultural Management9:00 am - 6:00 pm(GMT+00:00) LMU, Rachel Carson Center Event Organized By: Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) Event Type:Event,Local

january 2024

25jan(jan 25)9:30 am26(jan 26)6:00 pmVirtual/ Physical EventJORNADAS ¿POR QUÉ ES VALIOSA LA NATURALEZA ?The inherent value of non-human nature & Human and non-human rights in legal theory 9:30 am - 6:00 pm (26)(GMT+00:00) UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID, Campus Puerta de Toledo, Aula 1.A.14Event Type:Event,Local

february 2024

08feb4:15 pm6:00 pmPLATAFORMA PARA IDENTIFICAR RETROCESOS AMBIENTALES: ARTICULACIÓN ENTRE ACADEMIA Y ORGANIZACIONES DE LA SOCIEDAD CIVILUnderstanding what the environmental issues are and trying to mitigate them has never been so urgent. In particular, when national States don't recognize the climate and environmental crisis we are currently living in.4:15 pm - 6:00 pm(GMT+01:00) UC3M Puerta De Toledo, Campus de Getafe AULA 14.1.8

march 2024

19mar5:00 pm7:00 pmVirtual/ Physical EventSeminar Series "From inception to impact: tracing the trajectory of global environmental constitutionalism" - Chiara Bertoldi "The EU strategy from 'farm to fork': reflections on agri-environmental criminal law" - Riccardo Battistoni5:00 pm - 7:00 pm(GMT+00:00) Room 17.0.02 of the Getafe Campus, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Event Organized By: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

april 2024

08apr2:00 pm5:00 pmWORKSHOP ON HUMAN RIGHTS AND ECOLOGICAL JUSTICEThe Workshop is related to the project’s task 2.3, aiming to analyze how human rights theory applies to Ecological Justice, exploring the relationship between human rights and nature.The activity will analyze how the notion of Ecological Justice concerns environmental human rights.2:00 pm - 5:00 pm(GMT-03:00) Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, Campus Universitário Reitor João David Ferreira Lima, s/nº - Trindade, SC

09apr(apr 9)9:00 am15(apr 15)3:00 pmTHE FIRST SCHOOL OF THE NETWORK International Cooperation Speak4Nature Consortium9:00 am - 3:00 pm (15)(GMT-03:00) Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Auditorium CCJ/UFSC Event Organized By: Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC Event Type:Local,S4N Seminar Series

may 2024

29may7:00 pm9:00 pmWorkshop: Building a common vocabulary on ecological justiceDiálogos con Eduardo Gudynas/Dialogues with Eduardo Gudynas7:00 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT+00:00) Ateneo La Maliciosa, c/ Penuelas 12 Event Organized By: FUHEM and Economistas sin Fronteras Event Type:Event,Local

29may7:00 pm9:00 pmExtractivismos y Justicia EcológicaDiálogos con Eduardo Gudynas/Dialogues with Eduardo Gudynas7:00 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT+00:00) Ateneo La Maliciosa, c/ Penuelas 12 Event Organized By: FUHEM and Economistas sin Fronteras Event Type:Event,Local

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