by Pierre Dardot
Presentation of the recently published work by Pierre Dardot ‘The Memory of the Future’. On this occasion we had the pleasure of talking about it with the renowned author, led by Luis Lloredo, and with the lingüistic support of Adrián Almazán, including the part dedicated to the movements for the defense of the earth, the natural goods, and the ecological constitutionalism.
Presentation of the book ‘The Memory of the Future. Chile 2019-2022’ (Gedisa, 2023), with Pierre Dardot (author) and Luis Lloredo Alix.
Chile, October 18, 2019: An unprecedented popular protest shakes the neoliberal system maintained since the end of the Pinochet dictatorship. September 4, 2022: the constitutional proposal prepared by the Constituent Assembly arising from the social outbreak is rejected in a referendum. In the mentioned failed proposal was introduced the so-called environmental constitutionalism, addressed by the author in the work that is presented.
During these three years, the social movements have become politicized with exemplary determination, fueling the debates inside and outside the Constituent Assembly. Among them, acquire special relevance those developed around issues such as the defense of natural goods, the protection and the rights of nature, within the framework of the aforementioned environmental constitutionalism. The political expirience thus acquired rich in lessons that go far beyond Chile, opens an original path, that of the reinvention of democracy understood as a task for all citizens, and not as a monopoly of professional politicians. This reinvention continues. It requires political imagination to shun any and all attemps to restore an idealized distant past or to replicate recent “progressive” governments. Chilean feminists call this exercise ‘memory of the future’.