Search Results for: "rights"

Mar Menor, España. Ph. Ramón del Buey Cañas

Rights of Nature: the case of Mar Menor (Spain)

Ramón del Buey Cañas – UAM 24/06/2024 Mar Menor is the largest saline Mediterranean lagoon in Europe, with a surface area of…

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You Cannot Have the Cake and Eat It – How to Reconcile Liberal Fundamental Rights with Answers to the Climate Crisis

Eva Julia Lohse, María Valeria Berros 17/03/2024 Our Western-style constitutional systems are not only built on 16th to 18th century social contract…

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Rights of Nature: the nuances of the Latin American experience

María Valeria Berros, UNL-CONICET In recent years, the debate on the recognition of the rights of nature has grown substantially in Latin…

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"Rio de Fuego" Photographic Series by Mauricio Centurion 2020

Demands for ecological and environmental justice in the conflict of the Paraná Delta

Marianela Laura Galanzino – UNL-CONICET 24/06/2024 For some decades now, the perspective of Rights of Nature has been gaining ground in Latin…

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Derechos de la naturaleza y bienes comunes naturales: análisis de algunas tensiones conceptuales a la luz del caso chileno

Luis Lloredo Alix Abril/Junio 2024 The notion of commons has been reintroduced into the contemporary legal-political vocabulary, but there is much confusion…

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Introduction On Nature and Property

The essays presented in this section start with an essential premise: the ideas we employ to characterize our interactions with the outside…

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An Ecocentric Perspective on Climate Litigation: Lessons from Latin America

Fernanda de Salles Cavedon-Capdeville, María Valeria Berros, Humberto Filpi, Paola Villavicencio-Calzadilla 24/10/2023 Based on the latest developments in ecological law in Latin America, including the…

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